Assisting you with your conditions

To help our clients maintain their health, we provide different forms of counseling services to guide them through the peculiarities of senior conditions. We understand that as a person ages, their needs begin to increase. In order to help them cope with their conditions, we provide the following counseling services:

Dietary Counseling

Nutrition becomes even more important as a person ages. Given that a huge portion of health depends on what an individual places in and out of their body, we wish to make sure that our clients receive the right kind of nutritional services for their condition. Our skilled and licensed dietary counselors review the conditions of each of our clients. This way, they may be able to give the right dietary recommendation.

Psychiatric and Psychological Counseling

Transitioning to senior adulthood is not an easy task for anyone. Most of the time, it can trigger a feeling of loneliness, uneasiness, and uncertainty for individuals. This makes a senior susceptible to different mental health conditions. In order to help our clients maintain their mental upkeep, we offer psychiatric and psychological counseling. Our registered psych counselors do what they can to ensure that the mental health of each client is maintained.

If you need a loving and caring community that can help you in maintaining your health, growth, and happiness, Silver Strand Care is for you. Contact us for more information.